I often hear people complain about how many nonprofits there are. They should collaborate more, they should merge, they say.

They should just stop allowing new nonprofits to form to address the same causes.
But if that were to happen, we would not have the new organizations that emerge to tackle new—and not so new—issues. Ten years ago there was no March for Our Lives. There was no Giffords organization. No Moms Demand Action. No Sandy Hook Promise.
As much as we wish there was no need for these organizations, we should be grateful that inspired individuals and groups created them and that they are gaining influence. No, gun violence has not been solved since these groups have formed. But ten years ago, the power of the groups working against this violence was minimal and the NRA (also a nonprofit!) was a behemoth.
Some might say the scales of power are shifting a bit.
With the rise of these organizations, it might just be the third sector that can begin to influence change where government and private enterprise have fallen short. And at a minimum, these charitable organizations give people a place to channel their generosity in devastating times like these where we don't know what else to do.
There may be a lot of nonprofit organizations out there, but I say: let there be more. People tell nonprofits they should run like businesses. If you want them to be more business-like, then let them compete. Some won't survive, but others will. And God knows, we need them more than ever.